Collecting up the Software bits:

         We've talked about how most of the pieces work, now it's time to collect them all together, get them talking and see if we can get a hardware in the loop simulation running. Here is what you'll need:

Flightgear 1.9.1 Note Flightgear 2.0 currently has a bug causing it to not function properly with generic protocol data.

Rascal Model.

HWITL_From_PICPilot.xml -> Flightgear protocol definition for data coming from autopilot.

HWITL_To_PICPilot.xml -> Flightgear protocol definition for data going to autopilot.

FG_To_PICPilot.exe -> Interface application - Source + executable for windows.


   Hooking It All Up:


   A Note about Models:


   DIY Drones T3 Run:


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Under Construction.